Powerful Business Management System Framework

The Business Management System “cube” is a management framework which helps companies better define their business as a system by incorporating and integrating functional organizations, end to end business processes and key PPT resources (people, processes and tools) into a finely tuned machine designed to enhance customer value.

… and customer value drives the growth and sustainability of your business!

What is a Business Management System?

A business management system is a set of processes, tools, and techniques that help organizations manage their operations and resources effectively and efficiently. The purpose of a business management system is to support the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of business activities to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. Some of the key components of a business management system include:

1. Planning:

Establishing the organization's objectives and developing strategies to achieve them.

2. Organizing:

Allocating resources, defining roles and responsibilities, and setting up structures to support the implementation of strategies.

3. Directing:

Leading and motivating employees to achieve the objectives of the organization.

4. Controlling:

Monitoring performance and taking corrective action when necessary to ensure that the organization is on track to achieve its goals.

The specific components and processes of a business management system will vary depending on the size and type of organization. However, the underlying principles are the same: to provide a systematic and structured approach to managing the organization's resources and operations in order to achieve its goals.

Running a business is not easy.  Consider this …. If the human body or a computer is a complex system, and if a business consists of “humans” and “computers”, then would it not stand to reason that a business is also a complex system. But there is hope –look at the advancements in healthcare for people, and the evolving power of the computer. A business is a system, of systems, so let’s get started defining and improving it!


I have a better question – “why do we define the human body as a system?” The answer is because it is complex, so in order for us to understand and improve it, we break the human body down into logical groupings (or subsystems) to better understand each one. Examples – the nervous system, muscular/skeletal system, circulatory system, respiratory system, etc. For a person to be “healthy”, all of these subsystems must be defined, measured and working together as an integrated system. Any one component can have deteriorating or devastating effects on a person’s health.

MasterKey’s Business Management System (BMS)

By working with a broad range of companies ranging from Small to Medium Enterprise, to large Fortune 100 businesses, attending numerous workshops, reviewing publications, industry and consultant’s reports, and participating in the Quality movement since 1985, MasterKey™ has developed a Business Management System (BMS) framework consisting of the following elements:

So why not unlock the potential of your business by contacting MasterKey today to help you start developing your business system.

End – End Business Processes

An essential and inherent subsystem in all businesses are end to end business processes. While there are 100’s and perhaps 1,000’s of smaller functional or task specific processes, end to end business processes are the overarching mechanism which defines who and what the business is (strategic planning process), its products and services (new product development process), its customers and how orders or service requests are secured and maintained (order generation, fulfillment, and customer service processes). End – end business processes overlay on top of functional organizations to create a simple 2 dimensional business system.

Functional Organizations

The “Org chart” is probably the most recognized subsystem model in any business. An Org Chart not only further defines “horizontal” responsibilities, but vertical “levels” (and implied authority) as well. One of the challenges and inherent problems with the functional organization subsystem is it tends to operate as silos, and the “levels” often result in an US and THEM culture.

Key Business Resources

The 2-dimensional business system is an incomplete system model because it does not consider or integrate the most important subsystem - Investment Assets. What are investment assets? Quite simply, People. People who create, purchase, and integrate processes and tools which Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) the enterprise. “DMAIC” is a popular acronym used in International Quality Organizations around the world and was inspired by Deming’s “Plan-Do-Check-Act” cycle.

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